Timing, Trust and Manners course - rangiora

Classes are held in 4-week blocks on a Wednesday night, indoors at K9 Campus, 459 Fernside Rd from 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm.

In the classes, we focus on timing by using "mark words", building trust and respect between dog and handler, the "collar" command as well as the "go to" and "see you" commands when around other people and dogs.

The cost is $160.00 for the 4-week course, places are limited and this course is suitable for dogs of all ages.


Next Classes:

  • Next course Wednesday 5th February 2025 (Fully Booked, Waiting List Avail)


  • In order to attend any of the above classes your dog / puppy must first be fully vaccinated which also includes current kennel cough vaccinations.

  • When coming to the classes please bring with you a collar and lead for your dog / puppy and also food treats and or toys can be used in class for rewards.

  • Please contact me to secure your place in the above classes as class sizes are limited.

  • Payment for classes can be made via cash or internet banking.

  • My account details for Internet banking are as follows: ANZ 01-0877-0230005-00

  • Please reference your name and class you are attending.